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The Digital World's Effect On Communication Abilities


Does the digital world hinder or help our communication skills?

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Judy's Take

Once I realized my 6 year old cousins had tiktok, I knew we were doomed. “The use of digital applications has also dramatically changed the way adolescents relate to their peers, access information, and engage in social relationships, and has also had a profound influence on their health, including their well-being” (Springer). Since the time the first social media platforms came out, society shifted. All of a sudden we went from normal, human interaction to a world where technology is incorporated into our daily routines. Nowadays, we are “learning and adopting technology from infancy, and as a result they think and process information in fundamentally different ways when compared to their predecessors” (Springer). We are losing touch with the way we communicate, process our emotions, and understand others. This is because we are in a world where communication via technology is widely accessible. Rather than face-to-face interactions, we text because it is just “easier”. Social media platforms have grown exponentially since I was younger… not that I am old by any means but we have children by the age of 5 consuming technology at alarming rates. With the inability to communicate, we are hindering the growth of our cognitive mind. The digital world not only affects our communication through Social Media, it affects our communication through Work, Dating, and so forth. In today's digital age, the landscape of human interaction is undergoing a profound transformation. From the moment children grasp their first smartphones, to the incessant scrolling through social media feeds, technology has become an inseparable part of our lives. As I observed my six-year-old cousins effortlessly navigating TikTok, I couldn't help but ponder the implications of this digital immersion on our communication and emotional well-being.

Since the inception of social media platforms, society has undergone a seismic shift in how we connect and relate to one another. What was once considered normal human interaction has been supplanted by a digital realm where technology permeates every facet of our existence. The ramifications of this shift extend far beyond mere convenience; they have fundamentally altered the way we process information and engage in relationships.

As highlighted in research, adolescents today are learning and adopting technology from infancy, shaping the very fabric of their cognitive processes. The consequence? A generation that thinks and communicates in ways starkly different from their predecessors. While technology undoubtedly facilitates communication, it also presents a paradoxical challenge: the erosion of traditional modes of interaction.

Emotional understanding, a cornerstone of effective communication, is particularly vulnerable in the digital age. Emojis and exclamation marks can only convey a fraction of the emotional depth inherent in face-to-face interactions. The subtleties of tone, facial expressions, and body language—the essence of human connection—are lost in the digital translation. Consequently, our ability to empathize and understand others is stunted, leaving us adrift in a sea of disconnected emoticons and abbreviated messages. I am guilty, if I am being sent something that might seem “off putting” on text, I believe that the person could potentially be upset or passive aggressive. Where, 9.9/10, we have just lacked the emotional understanding to read these messages. 

Moreover, our reliance on digital communication has tangible repercussions on our interpersonal skills. The art of making eye contact, once an indicator of meaningful conversation, is on the decline. Instead of locking eyes with the person in front of us, we find ourselves fixated on glowing screens, detached from the intimacy of human connection. Face-to-face conversations, once the cornerstone of social interaction, are increasingly eschewed in favor of the comfort of our phones. I can count countless times where the person I am with has divided their attention to their phone than being present in the moment. I am not perfect either, but the discipline of detaching yourself from the phone while you’re in the company of others is something I try to do my best on. I don’t like how I feel when someone's attention is divided to their phone so I do my best to not do the same to others.

Discipline is what we lack and why I believe the digital world hinders our communication abilities. It’s why we fall into doom-scrolling, why we are attached to our screens even while in the company of others, why we can’t even make eye contact nowadays, and so on and so on. As we retreat further into the digital realm, we inadvertently shield ourselves from both conflict and conflict resolution. By sidestepping face-to-face interactions, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity for growth, resilience, and genuine human connection.

I know I have explored the negative aspects, but there are positive ways to how the digital world has improved our communication abilities. With a majority of my family being cross-seas and in different time zones, I have been able to continuously connect with them and that is truly thanks to the power of technology we have surrounded us. It's not always easy to be present with your loved ones and therefor I give thanks to this aspect of communication for giving me the ability to do so. Along with that, sometimes we're not always in the right places in the right moment so

building connections online can be beneficial. Whether it's connecting with professionals or meeting communities of like-minded people, doing so digitally is kind of great when you look at it that way.

What is so astonishing about technology is that it truly is endless. There are resources out there to help you with anything and subsequently resources to help you with your communication skills! How ironic. But, seriously, there are endless tools that we are able to leverage to guide us in our day to day life which creates a world of endless opportunity. That being said, social media platforms are widely used for business' nowadays to grow and excel, individuals are making names for themselves with the power of these platforms, and we're introduced to a new realm of learning.

In conclusion, the digital divide presents a dual challenge: to harness the benefits of technology while safeguarding the essence of human communication. While social media and digital platforms offer unprecedented connectivity, they also threaten to erode the very fabric of our interpersonal relationships. By fostering a balance between digital and face-to-face interactions, we can navigate this brave new world with empathy, authenticity, and a renewed appreciation for the power of human connection. There will always be benefits and repercussions to anything in life, it's all about how we address and move forward with them. After all, in a world dominated by screens, it's the warmth of human interaction that truly sustains us

Research Links:,waking%20cycle)%2C%20and%20on%20their's%20how%3A,in%20understanding%20others'%20emotions%20fully.

Alexandra's Take

To me modern technology is incredible. For this blog, I am going to delve into realm of social media.

You see, the world is not black or white. In my opinion, it is gray. There are usually pros and cons. I am a big believer in making pro’s and con’s list when making hard decisions.

Social media has many pros. Allow me to enumerate a few I have devised:  

Pros List:

  1. Communication: In the past communicating with people in different time zones and geographic locations was hard, but social media mitigated this issue. Whether through messaging apps, like Discord, Teams, or social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook we can now communicate in many ways (video, call, pictures, etc) 

  2. Communities/Relationships:  Relationships are SO IMPORTANT, and being apart of communities of like minded individuals has became easier than ever with technology today. This range varies from professional networking, personal life events, to specific hobbies. Meeting a significant other can also be a benefit as you can connect with people based on shared values, interests, hobbies, and preferences. Social media provides a wider pool of potential partners to interact with. 

  3. Education: Learning is never-ending, and is incredibly fulfilling! Have you ever felt a sense of satisfaction when you grasp a new concept or certain skill? That feeling is attributed to the released of dopamine. Today, the opportunities of learning are boundless: edx, Khan Academy, Youtube, and ted talks to name a few.


Like I mentioned above, the world is not simply black or white; it’s nuanced, existing in shades of gray. Having outlined the pros, let me delve into the cons. One significant issue, in my view, illuminated by online communication, is that social media might also be hindering our communication abilities. 

Cons List: 

  1. Miscommunication: Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, body language, and the tone of voice. We have developed new ways of expressing ourselves without using non-verbal cues through social media. The thing is that these forms of communication might not always convey the intended meaning and can too often be misinterpreted or misunderstood, leading to miscommunication. For example: a sarcastic comment might be misunderstood as serious, leading to feeling offended or confused. 

  2. Not appreciating the present: “Digital distraction”, meaning that people become so infatuated with their phone they forget about the present moment. The best moments of life happen in the present moment in my opinion, and with a phone in hand at all times recording everything/texting/ or scrolling on social media  - how can you possibly be present? 

  3. Cyberbullying and harassment are also obviously a cause for concern regarding social media. 

  4. Reality: Lastly, we might not always be posting our real self online. What I mean by this is that people usually post when they are super happy, not when something is going wrong. People might be lying to their followers leading them to think they are happy when in reality they are struggling. It is easy to put up this front online, and I think it is harder to be authentic. It also can create unrealistic expectations for relationships, leading followers to feel inadequate or jealous which can put pressure on relationships. 

While social media has its benefits it is important to recognize that social media will never replace human contact. In-person contact is required to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive. It is ironic to think that social media, created to bring people closer together can actually create a divide.

I personally think social media has more benefits (If used in moderation). I find a bunch inspiration online: quotes, new books to read, places to travel, and stories about growth. ( I love inspirational quotes) I do also like to see what my family and friends are up to.

If you catch yourself feeling drained from social media, I advise you to recognize it, just that itself can do so much. 

So, should you have social media? 

  • Why not, but if you feel your communication abilities are hindered from it, or you are negatively impacted from it. I advise you to take breaks, limit your time usage, reflect, and of course nurture your relationships offline.

You have probably heard the phrase "everything in moderation" I believe the same goes for social media usage.



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